Support Stuyvesant International Studies

Help Expand horizons!

Stuyvesant partners with CIEE (The Council on International Educational Exchange) as a Global Navigator school to offer high school students travel programs, such as “Summer Abroad” in more than 30 amazing destinations. This past summer, 47 Stuyvesant students traveled abroad with CIEE and their journeys were filled with exploration and engagement in the local culture they found themselves in.

Students who take advantage of these Summer Abroad opportunities have benefited in a variety of ways. Stuyvesant students can choose to focus on language learning, service and leadership, or content studies.

We would love to expand this type of learning experience to more Stuyvesant students, especially those whose family circumstances do not afford them the opportunity to participate currently. The Alumni Association, in partnership with CIEE, has identified a donor that is willing to match funds we can raise in order to support a substantial increase in scholarship awards for current Stuyvesant students. All gifts raised for CIEE Summer Abroad will be matched up to $100,000! Donate and double your impact!

Ways To Give

Stuyvesant High School Alumni Association (SHSAA) is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. All donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. You can donate directly via our website below. If you would prefer to send a check, please make it payable to “Stuyvesant HS Alumni Association,” note the "CIEE" in the memo line, and mail it to:

Stuyvesant HS Alumni Association
P.O. Box 3531
New York, NY 10008

Maximize the impact of your gift by utilizing your employer’s matching gift program! Please use our Employer Matching Database to check if your gift is eligible for matching.

Note: As with most charities, directed gifts, such as this, include a 10% contribution to the Stuy Fund. The amount will be automatically deducted from your total, so that it may be used where it is most needed. Please contact us at about a pledge or information about how to make a gift through a Donor Advised Fund.


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MAILING ADDRESS: Stuyvesant High School Alumni Association, PO Box 3531, New York, NY 10008-3531
PHYSICAL ADDRESS: 345 Chambers Street, Room 101, New York, NY 10282

Stuyvesant® is a registered trademark of the Stuyvesant High School Alumni Association, Inc. 

Copyright © 2023 Stuyvesant High School Alumni Association, Inc. All rights reserved.